50 Questions to Get to Know Yourself More Clearly
We all go through periods of our lives when we find ourselves. This happens to many of us as teenagers and young adults, and perhaps again in middle age. Rediscovering ourselves is a completely normal process, as is the feeling of being a bit lost or out of contact with ourselves.
The Power of Connecting with Ourselves
Connecting with ourselves again is a powerful way to show up for ourselves, clarify our experience, and investigate our needs. Maybe you feel that something is wrong or off, or perhaps you simply want to revisit your goals, strengths, desires, and fears to better get to know yourself. Reconnecting with yourself offers a great opportunity to move forward with intent and direction.
As life goes on, we may go through transitions. Maybe someone grows from a child into a young adult, a job changes, your role in the family changes as you have children or get married, etc. The transitions in life are nearly endless. Through these transitions, asking ourselves some questions and setting aside time for introspection can help us stay true to who we are and what we need.
Questions to Help You Know Yourself Better
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to get to know yourself a little bit better. I recommend actually writing down answers in a journal or notebook. It’s also okay to answer that you don’t know or return to the question later after reflecting more.
What are some strengths I have?
What is most important to me in life?
What are my short term goals?
What are my long term goals?
Who supports me?
What brings me joy?
What am I ashamed of?
What is something new I can try?
What worries me?
What do I believe in? What are my values?
If I could have one wish, what would it be?
What makes me feel safe?
What makes me feel unsafe?
What am I proud of?
What do I like about my job? What do I dislike?
What am I passionate about?
When I am feeling down I like to _____________.
What does success mean to me?
What traits do I admire in my role models?
Do I make room for me to make mistakes?
What is my communication style?
How well can I identify my emotions?
What do I do to manage my emotions?
What behaviors make me sad or angry?
What behaviors make me happy?
How do I handle moments of confliect?
What is important to me in intimate relationships?
How well do I set boundaries?
Do I feel valued by the loved ones in my life?
What is getting in the way of my forgiveness?
What are my financial goals?
What regular habits go with my morals and values?
What daily habits are at odds with my morals and values?
What song do I like to dance to?
What activity makes me uncomfortable?
When was the last time you took a risk in your life?
Are you able to offer yourself self-compassion when struggling?
How do you recover from making mistakes?
What habit or thought pattern is no longer serving you?
What can I learn today?
How is my self-talk?
How do I handle compliments?
Who can I rely on when struggling?
If I had unlimited time/money, what would I learn to do?
What would my perfect day look like?
What can I do today to improve my wellbeing?
What am I most afraid of losing?
What role does creativity play in my life?
What quality do I appreciate in myself?
What quality do I hope to grow in myself?